Promoting Educational innovation (again)

The Digital with Purpose Movement (DwP) an initiative of the Global Enabling Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) held its second summit on 27, 28 and 29 September. The Global Enabling Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) is an inclusive and open multi-sector, multi-stakeholder organisation with a challenging agenda, driven by leading global companies. GeSI believes that responsible business, with digital sustainability at its core, will be the most successful strategy in the years to come (see also The Digital with Purpose Global Summits aimed to put innovation and digital solutions at the core of the sustainability agenda, and sustainability at the core of the digital agenda. The DwP Summit 2023 had a strong focus on biodiversity, smart & sustainable cities and education.

In the field of education, Karsten Krüger, as coordinator of DEMOCRAT, was invited as a speaker at the session: Contributing to the DwP Movement for the Educational and Lifelong Learning Sectors – The Action Agenda. He also presents the DEMOCRAT project at the innovation stage.

The Education Manifesto of the DwP Summit advocates responding to the challenge of the rapid digital transformation by promoting a profound change in education, in which citizenship education should play a fundamental role. It promotes a closer public-private cooperation to achieve ambitious goals such as

  • Ensuring universal access to education and equipping every learner for a digital, ever-changing world.
  • Promoting innovative teaching and learning practices that are emerging in different parts of the world, thus bridging the social divide in the access to relevant competences and learning tools. This requires stronger investment in education.
  • Promoting learning methods that emphasise emotional intelligence, social adaptability, and digital literacy rather than rote learning.

These objectives are in line with the DEMOCRAT project. Its European vision of education for democracy advocates strengthening responsible democratic citizenship for all by promoting innovative teaching and learning methods that encourage solidary participation and deliberation in collective binding decision-making understanding democracy not only as a formal political system but also as a social order. It requires new digital competences to distinguish between disinformation and trustworthy information and competences to defend democratic processes even in adverse situations.

For more information see:

Manifesto 2: Education – Digital as an Enabler to Improve the Education System (

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